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Benesse House Museum/Valley Gallery


Benesse House Museum/Valley Gallery
Online Ticket
Please read before purchasing tickets
・Guests staying at Benesse House are admitted free of charge and do not need to purchase tickets.
  • Please select the date of your visit on the calendar.
  • If the number of visitors is nine or more, you can specify the time on the next screen when you select the date of your visit.
  • You may not select a day when the facility is open and capacity has been reached.
  • Even if you select a date and time on the calendar, you may not be able to secure your ticket on the next screen if there is a high volume of reservations or other cases.
  • After the reservation is completed, you will receive a “Your application has been completed” e-mail. Please make sure that you are set up to receive e-mails from “@eventos.tokyo” in advance.

Hours & Admission

Open days and time/Closed days
For more information, please visit the “Benesse House Museum/Valley Gallery” page.
Admission (tax included)
Online purchase: 1,300 yen; local purchase: 1,500 yen
* Free for children 15 and under and guests staying at Benesse House.
Ticket type
  • For eight or less people, this ticket is a reserved admission ticket for a specific date. For nine or more people, this ticket is a reserved admission ticket for a specific date and time every 60 minutes.
  • For eight or less people, tickets are sold from 10:00 a.m. on the second Friday of the month two months in advance until 30 minutes before the last entry.
  • For nine or more people, tickets are sold from 10:00 a.m. on the second Friday of the month two months in advance until 15 minutes before the reservation time.
  • There is no limit to the number of visitors.
  • Valid for two days from the specified date.

Smartphone screen display
  • After making a reservation, you can view the QR code from “My Ticket” on My Page. Alternatively, you can view it from the “Your application has been completed” e-mail.
  • One QR code per person will be displayed for each ticket.
  • On the day of your visit, please make sure that your smartphone is fully charged.

Print out your own
  • After making a reservation, you can view the QR code from “My Ticket” on My Page. Alternatively, you can view it from the “Your application has been completed” e-mail.
  • One QR code per person will be displayed for each ticket.
  • Please make sure that the QR code is clearly printed on the ticket.
  • It is acceptable to print your tickets in black and white.

Buying online
  • Only credit cards are accepted for web reservations.

Purchase at the counter
  • If you come to the facility without a reservation, you can purchase tickets at the counter on the day of your visit.

    Payments at the Benesse House Museum counter can be made by cash, or credit card (VISA / MASTER CARD / JCB / AMERICAN EXPRESS / DINERS/ UnionPay) .
    Payments at the Valley Gallery counter can be made by cash or PayPay only. Credit cards are not accepted.
    If you purchase at the counter, the price will be different from the online purchase. For details, please refer to Admission above.
    Please note that tickets purchased at the counter cannot be refunded or reissued.

Date and time change
  • Date and time changes for tickets are not possible. Please cancel once and make a reservation again.

  • For eight or less people, cancellations will be accepted up to 30 minutes before the last entry on the reservation date.
  • For nine or more people, cancellations will be accepted up to 30 minutes before the reservation time.
  • Date and time changes for tickets are not possible. Please cancel your reservation and make it again.
  • Cancellation requests cannot be accepted after the acceptance period.
  • Please make sure that you are set up to receive e-mails from @eventos.tokyo in advance.
  • No cancellation fee will be charged.
  • Cancellation cannot be canceled.
  • If you purchase with a credit card, the price will be refunded through the credit card.

  • Please make sure that the information you entered in your reservation is correct. No changes can be made after the reservation is made.
  • If you operate the “Back” button on your browser during a reservation, the reservation may not be performed properly.
  • If you are coming to the island by chartered bus and wish to pass through the Benesse House Area, please submit a request using the dedicated form at least 3 days prior to your arrival.Please refer to the “Getting around on Naoshima” page for the Benesse House Area.

  • If you lose your ticket, please come to the Benesse House Museum reception.